【パーカーポイント (91 - 93)+点】
ヨハン ヨゼフ プリュム ヴェレナー ゾンネンウーア リースリング アウスレーゼ 2006 Joh Jos Prum J.J.Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese ドイツ 白ワイン

商品番号 1902-1-354
[ 439 ポイント進呈 ]
販売価格 ¥ 8,778 税込
メンバー価格 ¥ 7,678 税込

2006 ヨハン・ヨゼフ・プリュム ヴェレナー ゾンネンウーア リースリング アウスレーゼ
J.J.Prum Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese


パーカーポイント: (91 - 93)+点

The 2006 Wehlener Sonnenuhr Riesling Auslese shows considerable fermentative overlay from yeast, CO2 and sulfur, so that it took some patience to coax it out from under. Pear, quince, gardenia and honey inform a creamy palate and wafting finish. This lacks the energy of the Himmelreich at present, but its combination of richness with delicacy and the purity of its finishing expression of ennobled fruit speak to a fine future, perhaps three decades or more. (There were two bottlings of this wine ? one this year ? of which I tasted the first, A.P. #16 07.)
(179, The Wine Advocate 30th Oct 2008)