【パーカーポイント 88?点】
ル パン 2007 シャトー ル・パン ルパン Le Pin フランス ボルドー 赤ワイン

商品番号 2204-1-151
[ 6,600 ポイント進呈 ]
  • 送料無料
販売価格 ¥ 660,000 税込
メンバー価格 ¥ 598,000 税込

生産者ル パン
Le Pin



解説パーカーポイント: 88?点

Tasted at BI Wine & Spirits' 10-Years-On tasting, the 2007 Le Pin put in a rather odd showing. There was a slight metallic tincture on the nose that appeared to dissipate with aeration. Aromas of kirsch, over-ripe satsuma and gravel soon appear but never really coalesce. The palate is better with fine tannin and good depth, although the second half felt a little disjointed, and there was a slight vegetal note lingering on the finish. I have encountered good bottles of the 2007 Le Pin in the past, including a great bottle at Farr Vintners' blind 2007 tasting in March 2015. Here, it is outplayed by many of its Pomerol peers, which is why I leave a question mark against my score. Tasted February 2017.
(231, The Wine Advocate, 1st Jul 2017)
